Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So Sunday afternoon we tried to go to Oktoberfest in Wahalla. All of us, SB, Chad, Justin, Nathan, and I were so pumped up about it. We get to the field and noticed a view vendors packing up, but this didn't phase us. We were still going to at least get a funnel cake and walk around a bit. When we passed the ticket booth and realized no one was there to take our money, we realized we had a problem. We had gotten there too late. Nothing was still "open". It was the saddest Oktoberfest ever. We did get a funnel cake though from a vendor in Wahalla (why there was a funnel cake truck at the stoplight, I have no idea).

We thought we'd eat at the Wahalla steak house, but no it was closed too. So we went to Walmart to buy our pumpkins (we were going to celebrate fall somehow!) to carve later that night. We decided to eat dinner at Atami's, but it too was closed. Luckily the mexican restaurant near it was open--and it was yummy!!!

It was an afternoon of letdowns, but somehow, it was still a really fun afternoon! I don't think it could have been better! We had so much fun not doing what we had planned to do. Carpe diem, eh?